This question may sound amusing to some, but there are many out there who will never
take scuba diving classes despite a desire to try it, because they have been convinced
by friends, or maybe Hollywood, that the activity is dangerous. Again, there are simple techniques
to prevent this, and in fact this is one of the first things students learn
in scuba diving class. As with all these sports, modern equipment, proper technique and training,
and responsible practice make the risks virtually nil, especially if you are in it for
the leisurely sight-seeing dives in clear tropical waters and established dive sites.That Nike Requin said, being responsible
should include arming yourself with knowledge of the risks and how they are to be
avoided. This article should help put things in perspective and convince you that although there
are risks just like almost any sport, they are avoidable if you follow the rules
and common sense.The movie Jaws may have something to do with it, but many people
who are perfectly suited to scuba diving will never try it for fear of getting
eaten by sharks or some other imagined danger out in the water. For starters, you
may have heard of decompression sickness, or what is tn requin known as "the bends." This is
caused by nitrogen accumulating in the joints, and is easily avoided by following proper decompression
procedure. Yes, there is some danger, and some have pegged scuba diving as being more
dangerous than baseball but less dangerous than downhill biking or mountain climbing. Other risks include
contact with dangerous marine life, running out of air, diving too deep without proper equipment
or preparation, and many others, and all quite preventable with common sense and training.This is
one of the most enjoyable, exciting, and rewarding sports there are, and the perceived dangers
have been greatly exaggerated by sensational movies and the media. Inner ear damage can also
lead to hearing loss, and is caused by the high pressures experienced by divers under
water. Pay attention during your scuba diving classes and learn everything you can about the
activity, and you should have nothing but safe, memorable dives in your future!Learn the basics
and be info-rich even before taking scuba diving classes for the first time.When you are
ready to experience the vast and wonderful underwater world through scuba, visit the blog that
answers the newbie questions you are too embarrassed, afraid, or overwhelmed to ask the pros
- Scuba Diving Classes Infoblog!.
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